Demonstration laboratory |
Eötvös Loránd University’s Faculty of Science and Green Lab Ltd. has established a common laboratory for the purpose of modernizing analytical laboratory practises and to increase the level of practical experiences for students specialized in chemistry and environmental sciences. Furthermore, this facility allows direct practical access to analytical measurements and to exchage expert opinions and experiences for our professional partners. |

Products |
Environmental and Haz-Mat Instruments, Systems
SoilHandheld gas chromatography systemsXRF analyzersMicrowave sample digestion systemsMercury analyzerAtomic absorption spectrometers (AAS)ICP-OES spectrometerICP-MS spectrometersUV/VIS spectrophotometers
AirAmbient monitoringEmission monitoring Gas samplingAuxiliaries for monitoring systemsAccredited immission measurements
WaterTOC/TN analyzersAOX analyzerMercury analyzerOil in water analyzerHandheld gas chromatography systemsMicrowave sample digestion systemsAtomic absorption spectrometers (AAS)ICP-OES spectrometerICP-MS spectrometersUV/VIS spectrophotometers
Oil- and Petrochemical Industry
Pharmaceutical & Food Industry
Power Plants, Waste Incinerators, Air Quality Protection
Municipalities, Industrial Enterprises, Works
Safety and security, Metal Sorting