Sustainable development - Green Lab Magyarország Mérnöki Iroda Kft.

GreenLab Hungary
Sustainable development
Sustainable development

Sustainable development

Our company wishes to take an active role in the worldwide initiative that results in doing our business activities in harmony with the surrounding society and natural environment. Our Code of ethics defines the base of our ethical business behaviour, keeping contractual terms and obeying laws, the prohibition of discrimination, considering business rules, obeying competition law, compliance to professional requirements, respecting society interests and usage of unified corporate identity.

 One of the important fundaments of our 20 year’s business success is our social responsibility. We pay special attention to utilise our equal rights policy which is incorporated into our quality insurance system. Moreover, we support initiatives that help future generations, e.g.:  Bethesda Child care Foundation, which not only aims at improving circumstances of healing (purchasing assets, instruments, sponsoring renewals), but also supports hospital programmes for children, camping, and directly helps families in need.

We are proud of our contribution to protecting environmental values with the operation of the continuous air pollution measuring mobile laboratory. Our own development - the automatic sequential sampler - provides continuous sampling of air pollutants at 170 sites throughout the country thus contributing to air quality monitoring and improvement. For our developments we prefer suppliers operating environmental management systems.

We strive for running a low consumption car fleet for our service operations, which is not only economic but also reduces environmental load. In our office activities we prefer economic environmentally friendly solutions: we prepare our quotations in electronic form and documents that need a hardcopy are printed on recycled paper.  We are sure that in order to lead a trustworthy business operation we need to apply principles of sustainability in everyday practice.

Our goal – with exemplary behaviour and committed professionalism – is to actively support the creation of a “liveable” world for future generations.



Safety and security, Metal Sorting