aco-8, aco-8e - Green Lab Magyarország Mérnöki Iroda Kft.

GreenLab Hungary
aco-8, aco-8e

Model aco-8 is an automated Cleveland Open Cup (COC) flash & fire point tester. Gas test flame is ignited automatically. Fire point is determined automatically when sustaining combustion has been detected for 5 sec. Fire containment by a metallic lid covers the test cup automatically when a sustained fire is detected. Model aco-8as is for testing bituminous materials.

In addition to the existing gas ignition models (aco-8/8as), 2 new electric ignition models (aco-8e/8eas) have been launched. An electric igniter coil replaces the gas flame which allows the user to remove combustible gas from the lab and operate in a safer environment.

Fire containment by a metallic lid covers the test cup automatically when a sustained fire is detected. Model aco-8as and aco-8eas are for testing bituminous materials.

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Safety and security, Metal Sorting