Environmental and Haz-Mat Instruments, Systems |
Mobile laboratories |
Portable, field instruments |
XRF analyzers |
Handheld XRF analyzers |
Handheld gas chromatography systems (VOC analysis) |
Soil |
Handheld gas chromatography systems |
XRF analyzers |
Handheld XRF analyzers |
Microwave sample digestion systems |
Mercury analyzer |
Atomic absorption spectrometers (AAS) |
ICP-OES spectrometer |
ICP-MS spectrometers |
UV/VIS spectrophotometers |
Air |
Ambient monitoring |

Emission monitoring |

Gas sampling |
Sequential sampler |
Handheld gas chromatography systems (VOC analysis) |
Toxic vapour analyzer |
Portable dust monitors |
High volume samplers |
Low volume sampler |
Isokinetic sampler |
Auxiliaries for monitoring systems |
Hydrogen generator |
Calibrators |
Gas generators |
Accredited immission measurements |
Engineering services |
Measurements |
Expertise |
Water |
TOC/TN analyzers |
AOX analyzer |
Mercury analyzer |
Oil in water analyzer |
Handheld gas chromatography systems |
Microwave sample digestion systems |
Atomic absorption spectrometers (AAS) |
ICP-OES spectrometer |
ICP-MS spectrometers |
UV/VIS spectrophotometers |
Waste analysis |
Microwave sample digestion systems |
Atomic absorption spectrometers (AAS) |
ICP-OES spectrometer |
ICP-MS spectrometers |
S, N, C, Cl analyzers |
XRF analyzers |
Handheld XRF analyzers |
Flash point testers |
Closed cup flash point testers |
Open cup flash point testers |
Continously closed cup flash point (CCCFP) testers |
Mercury analyzer |
TOC analyzers |
Data acquisition, management and communications softwares and industrial IT solutions |

Products |
Environmental and Haz-Mat Instruments, Systems
SoilHandheld gas chromatography systemsXRF analyzersMicrowave sample digestion systemsMercury analyzerAtomic absorption spectrometers (AAS)ICP-OES spectrometerICP-MS spectrometersUV/VIS spectrophotometers
AirAmbient monitoringEmission monitoring Gas samplingAuxiliaries for monitoring systemsAccredited immission measurements
WaterTOC/TN analyzersAOX analyzerMercury analyzerOil in water analyzerHandheld gas chromatography systemsMicrowave sample digestion systemsAtomic absorption spectrometers (AAS)ICP-OES spectrometerICP-MS spectrometersUV/VIS spectrophotometers
Oil- and Petrochemical Industry
Pharmaceutical & Food Industry
Power Plants, Waste Incinerators, Air Quality Protection
Municipalities, Industrial Enterprises, Works
Safety and security, Metal Sorting