VISCOpro series - Green Lab Magyarország Mérnöki Iroda Kft.

GreenLab Hungary
VISCOpro series

The VISCOpro 1600 viscometer is a compact workhorse instrument for applications where minimal operator involvement is desired. It features built-in optional LCD display with readout in centipoise, cSt, or SSU for monitoring of critical fluid conditions. It also can be connected to a PLC controller for seamless integration into a proprietary data management system. The unit’s sensor and electronics are encased in an explosion-proof housing for durability and reliability.

The VISCOpro 2000 viscometer offers menu-driven electronics to complement and control Cambridge Viscosity’s high-quality in-line and in-tank sensors. Powerful yet easy to use, the VISCOpro 2000 provides viscosity, temperature, temperature-compensated viscosity, and optional density readings on an enhanced visual display panel. Thirteen factory-set standard measurement ranges from 0.2-20,000 cP are available for greater accuracy.

The VISCOpro 8000 multi-channel viscometer system allows you to control as many as 12 in-line or in-tank viscosity measurement sensors from a single location, accurately and with total ease. The intuitive touch-screen system provides a wealth of information within two clicks, including real-time readings on temperature, viscosity, and temperature-compensated viscosity (TCV). The VISCOpro 8000 comes complete with a menu-driven display and viscosity proportional/integral control.

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Safety and security, Metal Sorting