Oil- and Petrochemical Industry |
Chlorine analyzers |
Fuels, lubricants and engine coolers |
Grease/Lubricants |

Bitumen |
Gasoline, aviation fuels |
Automated distillation tester |
Pour point/cloud point (PP/CP) testers |
Cold filter plugging point (CFPP) tester |
Aniline point tester |
Colorimeter |
Micro Carbon Residue Testers |
Softening point tester |
Vapour pressure analyzers |
FTIR fuel analyzer |
Freeze point tester |
Sulfur analyzers |
HFRR high frequency reciprocating rig |
Oil in water analyzer |
Demulsibility tester |
Titrators |
Potentiometric titrators |
Karl-Fischer moisture titrators |
Density/specific gravity meters |
Handheld density/specific gravity meter |
Bench top density/specific gravity meters |
Flash point testers |
Closed cup flash point testers |
Open cup flash point testers |
Continously closed cup flash point (CCCFP) testers |
Viscometers |
Kinematic viscometers |
Laboratory and online viscometers |
Thermal measuring instruments |
Portable heat flow meter |
Quick thermal conductivity meter |
Microwave sample digestion systems |
Atomic absorption spectrometers (AAS) |
ICP-OES spectrometer |
ICP-MS spectrometers |
UV/VIS spectrophotometers |
Handheld gas chromatography systems |
Mobile laboratories |

Products |
Environmental and Haz-Mat Instruments, Systems
SoilHandheld gas chromatography systemsXRF analyzersMicrowave sample digestion systemsMercury analyzerAtomic absorption spectrometers (AAS)ICP-OES spectrometerICP-MS spectrometersUV/VIS spectrophotometers
AirAmbient monitoringEmission monitoring Gas samplingAuxiliaries for monitoring systemsAccredited immission measurements
WaterTOC/TN analyzersAOX analyzerMercury analyzerOil in water analyzerHandheld gas chromatography systemsMicrowave sample digestion systemsAtomic absorption spectrometers (AAS)ICP-OES spectrometerICP-MS spectrometersUV/VIS spectrophotometers
Oil- and Petrochemical Industry
Pharmaceutical & Food Industry
Power Plants, Waste Incinerators, Air Quality Protection
Municipalities, Industrial Enterprises, Works
Safety and security, Metal Sorting